50 Best Welding Machines for Garage Use Starting at $435.99

Getting the right welder for all your garage needs just got easier, and more affordable. Welders Supply has picked out the three welders best suited for all-around use in the garage. Consider this your starting point when shopping around.
These 3 stick welders are well-suited for just about every garage welding job. Stick welding even works on rusty and dirty metal, so you can fix those old, broken things you've been hanging onto. And if you need to repair something outside the garage, no problem. Stick welding can be done outdoors, too.
Lowest Prices On Welding Equipment and Free Shipping
Since 1938, Welders Supply has been all about putting our customers first. Besides offering the lowest possible prices on quality welding equipment and free shipping on orders over $300 (within the continental US), we're also happy to answer any questions you may have about our products. Contact us online or by phone if you have any questions.