10 Magnetic Welding Clamps & Grips Starting at $48.31
Our most popular magnetic welding clamps are:
Save Time and Money with Welding Clamps from Welders Supply
Magnetic welding clamps, also known as welding magnets and magnetic squares, are essential tools for positioning steel for welding. Besides enabling more precise work, they are a tremendous time saver—no more tacking on tabs for large sheet welding or pipe work.
Welders Supply is pleased to offer Magswitch welding clamps and grounding clamps. As a leader in magnetic technology for industrial use, Magswitch has some of the most advanced magnetic clamping technology on the market, as well as ground clamps.
In addition to Magswitch welding and grounding clamps, we also offer a limited range of TWECO ground clamps. Tweco has been a world leading manufacturer of welding guns and accessories for over 75 years and is well-known for their durable, well-designed products, like their 300 amp copper ground clamp.
Lowest Online Prices for Welding Clamps and Grounding Clamps
Shop around all you want, you just won’t find better deals on welding and grounding clamps than you’ll find right here at Welders Supply. And don’t forget, all orders over $300 ship free within the continental US. Shop Welders Supply and save on Magswitch and Tweco clamps.