Tillman Cut-Resistant Gloves #958
Setting parts together for shipping or assembly when it comes to machines or the construction sectors is the most common way that people are harmed in these workplaces. This is why the Tillman 958 gloves were created. They have been designed for doing this job and as such have the highest rating of cut protection than many of their counterparts.
Rated as fallowing the ANSI ISEA cut level 5 and CE cut level 5 guidelines these heavy duty gloves are coated in polyurethane and are made of a 13 gauge blend of nylon, Kevlar, steel wire, cotton, and spandex while being completely breathable and comfortable for long time use and no restriction on your dexterity either; making these gloves resilient to any damage from sharp or pointy finished work pieces that the user may come into contact with while moving or putting them together into a finished work.
Tillman Cut Resistant Gloves Size Chart